
FX Value Today

Convert your currencies immediately

FX Value Today

Convert your currencies immediately

At a Glance

Exchange currencies instantaneously with our FX Value Today service.

How it Works

When you receive a payment in a foreign currency, simply sell it to DBS. We’ll then credit your account with the CNY equivalent on the same day, giving you instant access to your cash.

How competitive is the pricing of DBS’ FX products compared with other banks?

Being one of the leading banks in Asia, DBS is perfectly placed to deliver the best possible pricing available to you. We not only strive to remain competitive, but to actually lead the market.

How does DBS update SME customers on current FX rates and market trends?

Our Economic Research Team produces a daily breakfast summary of the latest market trends, updates and FX rates.

How to Apply

Simply call us at 400 820 8988 (or +86 400 820 8988 if you're overseas) or visit any of our Branches. You may also email us and our Relationship Manager will contact you as soon as possible.