
Transferable Letter of Credit

Quick and simple way to purchase goods

Transferable Letter of Credit

Quick and simple way to purchase goods

At a Glance
Secure the purchase of goods by transferring your export Letter of Credit (LC) to your seller.

Simple process

We transfer your received Export LC to your ultimate seller by issuing a Transferred LC



Enjoy this service without utilising a credit facility or placing a cash deposit


Stay in the know

Monitor payment flows and ensure the outstanding balance is credited to you once paid

Features & Benefits

Advice and expertise

Access to experienced trade advisors if any technical issues arise


Secured and certified

Ensure terms of the LC match your needs before it is issued with the help of our skilled documentary specialists

Potential Risks
  • Identity of the ultimate buyer and seller would probably be disclosed from the documentation submitted by the ultimate seller
  • If the ultimate seller is unable to submit all documents required, there is a risk of non-compliance. This can result in non-payment from the Export LC issuing bank

The Export LC should state that it is ‘transferable’ and that DBS is authorised to do this.

The terms and conditions of the Export LC and the Transferred LC should be identical, except for:

  • Credit amount
  • Any unit price state therein
  • Expiry date
  • Period for presentation
  • Latest shipment date or given period for shipment
  • Percentage for which insurance cover must be effected
  • Name of the first beneficiary may be substituted for that of the applicant/customer
How to Apply

Submit your application form to any of our Trade Document Counters.

Do I need a credit facility to apply?

No, you can apply for a Transferable LC without one.

Can Transferred LC be further transferred again?

No, it can be transferred to one or more second beneficiary, but cannot be further transferred.

Can I partially transfer the LC?

Yes, you may choose to fully or partially transfer the LC.

What if I can’t substitute the draft and invoice in time?

The full set of documents received from the second beneficiary will be sent to the issuing bank for payment.

How do I complete the application form?

Please contact us for help to complete the application form.