In view of DBS Mobile Banking APP Upgrade, DBS mBanking APP service will be temporarily out of service from 0:00AM Dec 4, 2022. From Dec 4, 2022, iBanking service will be discontinued. You can login DBS new and improved mobile banking App using your current ibanking username and password to complete all your digital banking transaction and services.
Please contact our hotline 4008208988 or your relationship manager if you have any queries or require further assistance.
Dear Customer:Our SMS sending channel will be updated from 1st Nov. 2022.If you need help, please call our hotline 4008208988. Refer to Details
Dear customers, for your own security, please beware of anyone impersonating DBS staff, or any DBS staff selling products not owned or distributed by DBS. If you need help, please call our hotline 4008208988.
DBS Bank (China) Limited now is in process to suspend monthly paper statement delivery service to individual customer, please contact our Hotline 4008208988 or your Relationship Manager if any queries. Refer to Details